Are you considering adoption?

Adoption can be an exciting step towards completing your family, whether that’s through adopting the child of your spouse or relative, or through agency or internationally.  There are five licensed adoption agencies in British Columbia and our lawyers work with them regularly. At Pax Law, we are dedicated to protecting your rights and facilitating the adoption in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

Adopting a child is an incredibly rewarding experience, and we want to help make it as easy for you as possible. Our experienced lawyers will guide you through every step of the process, from filing paperwork to finalizing your application . With our help, you can focus on welcoming your new family member. At Pax Law Corporation our family lawyer can help and guide you through the process.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!.


What does it cost to adopt a child in BC?

Depending on the lawyer and the firm, a lawyer might charge between $200 – $750 per hour. They may also charge a flat fee. Our family law lawyers charge between $300 – $400 an hour.

Do you need a solicitor to adopt?

No. However, a lawyer can help you with the adoption process and make it easier for you.

Can I adopt a baby online?

Pax Law strongly recommends against adopting a baby online.

How do I start the adoption process in BC?

The adoption process in BC can be complicated and will have different steps depending on the child being adopted. You will need different advice based on whether you are the person giving a child up for adoption or the person adopting. The advice will also depend on whether the child being adopted is related to the prospective parents by blood or not. Furthermore, there are differences between adoptions of children inside Canada and outside Canada.

We strongly recommend you obtain legal advice from a BC adoption lawyer before making any decisions regarding adoptions. We further recommend that you discuss your potential adoption a with a reputable adoption agency.  

What is the cheapest adoption method?

There is no cheapest method to adopt a baby that applies to all cases. Depending on the prospective parents and the baby, there may be various options available for adoption. We recommend you discuss your individual circumstances with a BC adoption lawyer to receive legal advice.

Can an adoption order be reversed?

Section 40 of the Adoption Act allows an adoption order to be set aside in two circumstances, first through an appeal to the Court of Appeal within the timeline allowed under the Court of Appeal Act, and second by proving that the adoption order was obtained through fraud and that reversing the adoption order is in the best interests of the child. 

This is not a thorough guide about the consequences of adoption. This is not legal advice about your case. You should discuss your specific case with a BC adoption lawyer to receive legal advice.

Can the birth mother Contact the adopted child?

The birth mother may be allowed to contact an adopted child in some circumstances. Section 38 of the Adoption Act allows the court to make an order regarding contact with the child or access to the child as part of the adoption order.

This is not a thorough guide about the consequences of adoption. This is not legal advice about your case. You should discuss your specific case with a BC adoption lawyer to receive legal advice.

What happens when an adoption order is granted?

When an adoption order is granted, the child becomes the child of the adoptive parent, and the previous parents cease to have any parental rights or obligations with respect to the child, except if the adoption order includes them as a joint parent to the child. Furthermore, any previous court orders and arrangements about contact with or access to the child are terminated.

This is not a thorough guide about the consequences of adoption. This is not legal advice about your case. You should discuss your specific case with a BC adoption lawyer to receive legal advice.
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