If you’re looking for a family lawyer who can help with child support, look no further.

Our lawyers are experienced in progressive approaches to child support law and we can help you get the money your child deserves. We take a proactive approach to help you understand your rights and options under the law.

Children have many different expenses, making child support a complex area of the law. Parents are required to work and earn enough money to support them, and when they choose not to work or pay support, there can be extreme consequences. You may have been married, common law, or have not lived together at all. Regardless of the situation, there are guidelines you have to follow to support your child or children. You need a lawyer who understands what you’re going through and knows how to fight for what’s best for your family. With Pax Law, you will have a team of lawyers who are on your side and want to see you succeed.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation!


How much does child support cost in BC?

The amount of payable child support depends on the child’s living situation (which parent they live with and custody arrangements) and each parent’s income. Child support is calculated based on the Federal Child Support Guidelines.

How long does a parent have to pay child support in BC?

A parent must pay child support as long as the child is a dependent child.

Do you pay child support if you have 50/50 custody in BC?

If you have 50/50 custody in BC but you earn more income than your child’s other parent, you may be required to pay child support.

Is there a statute of limitations on child support in BC?

There is a one-year limitation date for a claim for child support from a step-parent. There is no general limitation date for child support claims.

What percentage should a father pay for child support?

Child support is calculated based on the parties’ living situation, the child’s living situation, and the incomes of the parents. The calculation is complicated and uses the formulas and methods in the Federal Child Support Guidelines. There is no general rule regarding the amount or percentage of child support that is payable.

How can I avoid paying child support in Canada?

All parents have a legal and ethical duty to contribute to the living expenses of their children. Pax Law corporation strongly recommends against all attempts to avoid paying child support. Refusal to pay child support is counterproductive and may hurt your family law case.

At what age in BC can a child decide which parent to live with?

Once a child has passed the age of majority (19), they can make all decisions that an adult can make regarding their day-to-day life. Prior to the age of majority, the child’s views on where they want to live is one of many factors that the court may consider in making orders regarding who the child will live with. However, the primary concern in any family law case will be the best interests of the child.

Can you go to jail for not paying child support in BC?

It is technically possible for an individual to be jailed for not paying child support in BC. If you intentionally refuse to comply with a court order, the court may find you in contempt and order that you be jailed.

What happens if you don’t pay child support in Canada?

In BC, refusal to comply with a child support order can have various consequences. The payee may retain a lawyer and attempt to garnish the payor’s wages or obtain a court order to seize the payor’s property. Alternatively, the payee may enrol in the British Columbia Family Enforcement Program and receive assistance from the BC Ministry of Attorney General in enforcing their child support order.

How is child custody determined in BC?

Child custody is determined based on the agreement between the parties or a court order in BC. In court, the judge makes decisions regarding custody based on the best interests of the child.

Do you have to pay child support if you are unemployed in Canada?

Child support is calculated based on the parties’ living situation, the child’s living situation, and the incomes of the parents. The calculation is complicated and uses the formulas and methods in the Federal Child Support Guidelines. There is no general rule regarding the amount or percentage of child support that is payable.

How do they determine child support?

Child support is calculated based on the parties’ living situation, the child’s living situation, and the incomes of the parents. The calculation is complicated and uses the formulas and methods in the Federal Child Support Guidelines. There is no general rule regarding the amount or percentage of child support that is payable.
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