Navigating the Challenges of Canadian Visa Refusal Under R216(1)(b) of the IRPR


The complexities and nuances of immigration law can be overwhelming. One of the most challenging situations to navigate is a refusal of your visa application. Particularly, refusals grounded on paragraph R216(1)(b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) can leave applicants puzzled. This paragraph states that an officer is not convinced the applicant will leave Canada at the end of their authorized stay. If you’ve received such a refusal, it’s crucial to understand what this means and how to respond effectively.

Understanding R216(1)(b):

The crux of paragraph R216(1)(b) lies in demonstrating your intention to comply with the terms of your visa. An officer needs to be satisfied that you intend to leave Canada at the end of your stay. If they aren’t, your application may be refused. The burden of proof here rests with you, the applicant, and involves a careful, detailed presentation of evidence demonstrating your intent.

Possible Reasons for Refusal:

Several factors can lead to a refusal under R216(1)(b). These may include insufficient ties to your home country, lack of travel history, unstable employment, unclear purpose of visit, or even inconsistencies in your application. By understanding the reasons behind the refusal, you can prepare a stronger, more focused response.

Steps to Take Following a Visa Refusal:

  1. Review the Refusal Letter: Scrutinize the reasons cited for the refusal. Is it a lack of strong ties to your home country or a vague travel plan? Knowing the specifics will guide your next steps.
  2. Collect More Evidence: The aim here is to counter the refusal reason. For instance, if the refusal is due to insufficient ties to your home country, you can provide evidence of a steady job, family ties, property ownership, etc.
  3. Consult a Legal Expert: While it’s possible to navigate the process independently, engaging an immigration expert can significantly increase your chances of success. They understand the nuances of the law and can guide you on the best type of evidence to present.
  4. Reapply or Appeal: Depending on your specific circumstances, you may choose to reapply with the additional evidence or appeal the decision if you believe it was made in error.

Remember, a visa refusal is not the end of the road. You have options, and with the right approach, a subsequent application may be successful.


The intricacies of Canadian immigration law can be daunting, especially when facing a visa refusal. However, understanding the basis of the refusal, under R216(1)(b) of the IRPR, equips you to respond effectively. By aligning your application more closely with the IRPR requirements and working with an expert, you can significantly increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

As the founder of Pax Law Corporation, Samin Mortazavi, often says, “No journey is too long if you find what you seek.” At Pax Law, we’re committed to helping you navigate the labyrinth of immigration law to find your path to Canada. Reach out today for personalized guidance on your immigration journey.

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